OK. Last night i had my Final Interview to complete my papers with the Stake Prez, Prez. Frost. it was awesome he is a good man who has like put his heart and soul into missionary work and moving it along not just with youngmen but especially with the ward and around the community. So now that we had our little chat he has put in my papers to the big guys in SLC, i should get my mission call in about 2 1/2 weeks maybe sooner (ill let ya know) but anyways im so excited to serve a mission! my cuzin Tyler is getting ready to leave in 2 weeks from today he is going to the MTC to prepare to serve in Tulsa, Oklahoma for 2 years! im really happy for him and i can tell he is going to be an awesome missionary. It makes me wonder where the lord is going to place me in the world it would be so exciting to go to some far away country and learn some crazy language but it would also be just as awesome as going to anywhere in the states speaking English. Mike is still out and serving strong in Macon Georgia! and Carty is getting ready to leave a month from now to head over to Portland Oregon! and well bird... ill let ya know next time i talk to bird whats up with him. So us three got it going on! anyways so yeah mission prep thats what i gots to be thinking about next if ya got any gospel trivia send it my way i need to be ready for anything! well thats all for now im just another step up the ladder!
I am so excited for you to serve a mission! I can't wait to find out where you are going. I know that you will be a great missionary and everyone will just love ya! How could they not?
Go Italy!!! Chris, I love your blog and I am so excited for you to go on your mission. I am going to miss you so much even though you already moved to Flagstaff. I have so many great memories with you in them. Thanks for being such an awesome cousin. I love you!!!
Hi Chris,
Sure do love you! I will write more later. I am setting up my own blog and will send you the address soon. This is a great blog and so well done. I am so proud of you Chris in more ways than you can imagine.
Love you, Grandma
Chris you have to check this out-FYI!!!
Love, Grandma
well i always knew oprah was crazy! now i know.
Ok Chris....I'm not sure when all this growing up actually happened, but you obviously are going to be one heckuva missionary. So, arise and go forth!! And keep in touch with all your info! I'll be checking up!
*Karen's youtube clip:*
Don't they call the the 'Church of What's Happinin' Now'?
Oprah over-intellectualizes everything........
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