6 years ago
Monday, December 3, 2007
The Present...
Well here i am i have grown up my entire life in Pleasant Grove UT, and now i find myself 7 hours to the south in a town called Flagstaff. I Moved here with my family because my dad was offered a new job down here at a company called MSI. My dads side of the family (Gary and Terri Clark) live down here in fact they live about 2 min away from our house. It was sooo nice having my cuzins live so close especially Tyler because he is my age. i Didn't know how sucky it was going to be without all of my friends here with me, i have never felt anything like it. i have always been around the same people my whole life, and now i was wondering if i would even see any of those people again or for a very long time. It took us a long time to get used to it here, my mom had a really hard time adjusting. It was nice that i got to keep my same familiar job at Spread Trade Systems doing tech support. that was my one thing that i still managed to keep during the move. Its been tough with Mike on his mission I didn't really have any friends that i could call up and go do anything with. Then i finally i started to meet a few people. Most of the new friends i had made came through our new ward i started liking a girl named Bridgit, and we dated a while and had a lot of fun in the end it didn't work out (she wants me to write more but what i have now sufficeth me :P). One Wednesday afternoon me and Tyler signed up to go donate blood to the American Red Cross it was a good time. while i was giving blood two girls walked in and one of them was laid straight across from me so i made small chit chat with them they seemed pretty nice. after we had finished getting our blood sucked we all introduced ourselves to each other while we watch Tyler Squirm as the nurse tried and tried to find a good vain in his arm LOL. That is how i came to know my Friends Megan and Breana they both go to college here at NAU. Megan's been a really good friend to me we hang out a lot and do fun stuff together, i even took a trip down to phoenix with her to her parents house and we had a lot of fun down there in the freaking nice weather! it was good to escape the snow of Flagstaff. We still like to hang out a lot and do fun things! its good to have a friend like Megan! Breana is also an awesome friend, me and her took a trip to UT together we had a way fun time in the super long car ride, we mostly sang and danced to techno the whole way it was awesome. That was the first time i had ever tried one of those energy shots called "5 hour energy" it was more caffeine in that tiny bottle than i had probably had in 6 months, i was hopped up for hours even when i got home my heart was still racing! well that's about it from here in Flagstaff i really enjoy spending a lot of my time with my family and going to the Athletic Center with my family and playing games. All in All i think the move from Utah to Arizona was not that bad come to think of it.
My Past...
well, I am 18 years old and living in Flagstaff, AZ. But this is definatly a new adventure for me, i have lived in Pleasant Grove UT my whole life and just recently moved to Flagstaff with my family. I was your typical Average kid, i loved cartoons and played sports and enjoyed being around my friends, I have been so lucky to have such great friends in my life. I'll tell you about a few of my friends, partly because they are the reason i am who i am. first off my best friend Mike Summerhays, he is currently serving a mission in Macon, Georgia! its so weird being unable to talk to him or text him whenever i want. We met in the 6Th grade and have.... basically been best friends ever since. He is probably the best friend anybody could ask for, if you ever need anything from the guy he is right there ready to help you. Mike and I have been
through a lot together and I'm sure we will stay life long friends. Next ill sum up the rest of my friends Trevor Evans (not in the picture), Branden Bird, Jordan Makin(not in the picture) and Daniel McCarty. These guys are the best! i could talk to any of these guys about anything and they would listen and help me out. they are a lot like me, we tend to joke around.. ALOT but even through all of our jokes and wise cracks at each other we all know that we are best friends and we will be friends for a long time. Right now we are slowly 1 by 1 getting ready to serve our missions its such an exciting time right now. i know that as we all go out and serve the lord we will come back and become even closer to each other than ever before.
Now ill tell you about the girls of my past, which haven't been many but i have learned so much from my relationships with them and have gained so much from their friendships toward me. Leah Robinson(left) and Tamara Greenhalgh(right), These two girls were best friends when i first met them in Highschool, i had the opportunity to have them as best friends and Girl Friends for many years of my life and i am still in contact with them to this day its fun to see how their lives are turning out. Tamara was my last girl friend before i moved to Arizona. .. she was my first real crush and my high school sweetheart i thought i would love her forever. but one day it all ended, ha! what did i expect .
it just wasn't meant to be. .... My past would take forever to write in this blog, so this is the condensed version, iv definitely learned a lot about people and am glad for the experiences i have had. But i think this Move to Arizona was the best for me and my future, i left a lot of friends back home and i miss them very much but things change and life does go on.
